Lower Back Pain Treatment

Women sitting holding back in pain

Is low back pain keeping you down? Dr. Kirby Gengler at ChiroWorks in Colorado Springs, CO, offers personalized relief through natural healing techniques.

Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain

Any type of back pain can be miserable. However, low back pain has a way of keeping sufferers down and feeling hopeless. Below, Dr. Gengler at ChiroWorks in Colorado Springs, CO, explains why pain in the lower back is both common and highly intrusive, as well as how chiropractic care can help.

Living With Lower Back Pain

The lower back or lumbar spine is made up of five bones, as well as nerves, discs, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Though it only takes up a portion of your body, it has some very important roles that impact your daily life. It supports a large portion of the body’s weight and is a vital component of balance. It also supports you as you bend, sit, walk, run, and lift items.

The roles it carries out make two things certain. The first is that – without proper care – it can easily be injured or damaged. Some of the most common lower back pain comes from issues such as:

  • Overuse
  • Muscle tension
  • Misalignment
  • Herniated discs
  • Nerve compression and more

The second certainty is that when an injury or damage does occur, the pain can make everyday tasks daunting and insufferable. However, chiropractic care offers a natural path to healing and relief.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Lower Back Pain?

Every treatment plan caters to the needs of the individual. Chiropractors begin by fully assessing your symptoms and the root cause of those symptoms so that they can develop a customized plan.

Typically, all patients receive chiropractic adjustments. This is because many issues that cause low back pain either start due to spinal misalignment or the injury itself leads to a misalignment. Therefore, restoring proper alignment is vital.

Spinal decompression therapy is also commonly used. This technique provides a thorough but gentle stretch to the spinal column, which relieves pressure on the discs, nerves, and muscles. It also draws discs back into their proper place and healing nutrients to the spine.

Massage therapy and other soft tissue techniques are typically provided to address tension, inflammation, and damage to the muscles and connective tissues. Additionally, corrective exercises and lifestyle adjustments are recommended to enhance treatment and prevent lower back pain in the future.

Make low back pain a thing of the past by visiting Dr. Gengler at ChiroWorks in Colorado Springs, CO. Call (719) 571-0070 to schedule an appointment today.

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